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Framework for Evaluating Correctional Education Programs

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 43 Issue: 3 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 102-107
B A Yonai
Date Published
6 pages
A framework for evaluating correctional education programs is provided for use by program personnel to participate in the planning of evaluations with their evaluation/research staff. Conversely, the framework would also be useful to evaluation/research personnel as a guideline for discussing evaluations with program directors and staff.
The framework is composed of three basic components, namely focusing, designing, and managing an evaluation. In focusing the evaluation, one defines what is being evaluated, the purpose of the evaluation, its context, and its audience. The specifics of the evaluation design -- the questions, methods, data sources, analysis techniques, and reporting structure -- are shaped by the context, purpose, and audience determined in the first phase. The issues confronted in managing an evaluation include personnel, costs, and timeliness. This article applies the framework to six potential objects of evaluation: the program participant, instructors, courses, curriculum, programs, and projects. An evaluation matrix for one evaluation is presented in detail. 3 figures and 7 references