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Framework for Context Information Management

NCJ Number
Journal of Information Science Volume: 30 Issue: 6 Dated: 2004 Pages: 528-539
Stephen Shaoyi Liao; Joy Wei He; Tony Heng Tang
Date Published
12 pages
This report outlines a framework for using information technologies to collect, process, integrate, model, store, and use context information.
The main goal of the framework is to provide guidelines for context information management for use in a context-aware mobile commerce (m-commerce) application. The framework enables the management of context information or m-commerce applications from the perspective of the transition from data/information/knowledge to new knowledge. The framework not only effectively manages context information, it also provides integrated context information about location, weather, time, and user activities. The framework itself includes several processes – data/information/knowledge collection, preprocessing, integration, modeling, and representation – as well as a context knowledge base and a knowledge-matching engine. Preparing context information for use is challenging due to its variety and diversity. For example, raw data are usually collected from different sources with varying data types and formats. Context data can also contain different elements with different levels of abstraction and may possess special characteristics that make managing it even more of a challenge. However, through the use of the framework, context information is organized according to context knowledge, user knowledge, and content knowledge, which come together to provide information about user profiles, user preferences, and the content of products/services from the merchants. Thus, the framework supports decisionmaking concerning the delivery of relevant information to the right customers. Figures, references


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