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Fourth "R" in Education

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2007 Pages: 74,76,78
Jennifer Mertens
Date Published
February 2007
4 pages
This article briefly discusses the importance in building strong relationships with schools in order to develop effective school safety procedures in the event of an emergency.
The purpose of the Enforcement Expo in 2007 is to discuss practical logistical issues facing schools and their public safety partners. Ken Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services message at this year’s Expo is emergency preparedness and the fostering of strong relationships between law enforcement and schools. It is imperative that law enforcement and schools sit down and take time to work out emergency preparedness plans. Public safety officials and schools are encouraged to work cooperatively together to develop these plans. Tabletop exercises are encouraged to provide a low-stress, effective way of examining the roles and expectations of those involved in school safety. Building these relationships is necessary to ensuring the best possible response if and when a crisis occurs.