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Formal Control: Criminological and Criminal Policy Starting Point

NCJ Number
J Pecar
Date Published
449 pages
This book discusses social control in Yugoslavia under actual social conditions, based on a theoretical model and taking into account the criminological and criminal policy dimensions.
The discussion focuses on the meaning, roles, and specificities of the functioning of formal social control. The study identifies the most important spheres of control and the groups of people who seem to attract social-control efforts. The author advises that social control is still too much under political influence. State formal social control has, due to its power, inhibited the development and expansion of self-government and made social control an extension of the government. The repressiveness of social control in Yugoslavia is not yet pronounced, but it can easily move in that direction. The expansion of behavioral norms to be enforced by government has diluted enforcement resources and increased the number of violations. The control system has generally failed to gain the confidence of citizens and does not reflect values held by the populace. 245 references and author and subject indexes


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