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Forging a National Correctional Policy - The Canadian Perspective (From American Correctional Association - Proceedings, P 63-70, 1981, Barbara Hadley Olsson and Ann Dargis, ed. - See NCJ-76771)

NCJ Number
D R Yeomans
Date Published
8 pages
An overview of the Canadian corrections system is given in this paper presented at the 110th Congress of Correction of the American Correctional Association, including a comparison of the Canadian and American systems and a discussion of national corrections policy determination.
Unlike the American system, the Canadian corrections system is not hampered by fragmentation due to State and local program operation. In addition, the Canadian constitutional system does not provide a base for judicial intervention into corrections system operation. Total Canadian corrections expenditures are only about 10 percent as large as those in the United States; however, costs per inmate in Canada are twice as high as those in the United States. The daily average Canadian inmate population totals about 23,000 inmates, an imprisonment rate significantly lower than that of the United States. An established national policy direction is needed in Canada to ensure that resources are used wisely and that corrections efforts are perceived realistically, to foster high morale among corrections personnel, and to facilitate negotiations among various levels of government. Any national policy developed must be both realistic and challenging. Such a program must include mechanisms for evaluating program effectiveness, must provide for flexibility, and must involve both the corrections and lay communities. Strong leadership is needed by corrections administrators, professional associations, citizen advisory groups, and private individuals if a national policy is to be created. Public education initiatives will be required to ensure a smooth implementation of any new policy.