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Forensic Science Needs of Law Enforcement Applicants and Recruits: A Survey of Michigan Law Enforcement Agencies

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Education Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: Spring 2003 Pages: 67-81
Eric Lambert; Terry Nerbonne; Phillip L. Watson; Jack Buss; Alan Clarke; Nancy Hogan; Shannon Barton; Janet Lambert
N. Prabha Unnithan
Date Published
15 pages
This study of law enforcement agencies in Michigan sought to identify what forensic science information law enforcement agencies should expect of their applicants and new recruits.

Many students who take forensic science courses will later become law enforcement officers. These forensic science courses are intended to improve the employability of students in criminal justice. However, it is unclear what level of forensic science awareness and knowledge is desired or required by law enforcement agencies. This study surveyed a sample of 340 Michigan law enforcement agencies with a response rate of 41 percent. The results of this study support the position that many law enforcement agencies in Michigan find that knowledge of forensic science is desirable in applicants and recruits and increases their employability. The majority of the respondents feel that evidence collection, latent and fingerprint evidence, crime scene documentation, and interviewing techniques are important areas. These areas are covered in most introductory criminalistic and forensic science courses. Agencies rate DNA evidence, document evidence, plant evidence, arson and explosive evidence, impression evidence, forensic entomology, and electronic recorded evidence as least important. The results of the survey indicate that criminal justice programs do not need to develop entirely new programs in order to improve the employability of their students in the field of law enforcement. Future research is recommended in the examination of forensic science needs for current law enforcement personnel and how to best meet these needs. References