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Forensic Psychiatric Assessment in Selected Canadian Cities

NCJ Number
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Volume: 27 Issue: 6 Dated: (October 1982) Pages: 455-462
C D Webster; R J Menzies; B T Butler; R E Turner
Date Published
8 pages
Although the data would seem to suggest that judges take psychiatrists' recommendations into account, the investigators were nonetheless struck by the general lack of communication between clinic and court. They offer a number of suggestions of improvement.
Forensic psychiatrists in six Canadian municipalities completed a single-page form following each court-ordered assessment conducted during the month of July 1978. A total of 248 cases accumulated during the study period. During the following 18 months researchers collected court dispositions on the sample. With data from all six cities pooled, 85% of patients were found fit to stand trial. Almost all, 96%, were accorded a diagnosis with 39% classified as psychotic. Overall the examining psychiatrists considered 36% to be dangerous to others in the future. When psychiatrists recommended a custodial setting, in 73% of cases the person was incarcerated. Recommendations for hospitalization were observed in 59% of cases. (Publisher abstract)