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Forensic Examination of Fibers

NCJ Number
J Robertson
Date Published
268 pages
Topics addressed in this volume include the classification of textile fibers in terms of production, structure, and properties; protocols and approaches to the forensic examination of fibers, forensic fiber microscopy; color analysis by microspectrophotometry; chromatographic analysis for fiber dyes; the application of infrared microspectroscopy to the analysis of single fibers; fiber identification by pyrolysis techniques; and the interpretation of fiber evidence.
Certain factors may enhance the value of fiber evidence: when apparent transfer can be demonstrated between individuals totally unknown to one another, particularly a cross transfer that involves several colors and types of fiber; when the delay between the offense and the collection of the evidence has been minimal; when transfer of fibers has occurred either onto or between items of underwear in cases of a sexual nature; and when the results of transfer analysis follow in detail a pattern that is totally consistent with the reported circumstances. Other factors tend to lower the evidential value of apparent fiber transfer: any doubt that contamination may have occurred; indications of previous legitimate contact between suspect and victim; and offenses that occur in a family environment. 45 figures, 12 tables, and 277 references