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Focus on Domestic Violence and Child Witness

NCJ Number
Prosecutors Perspective Dated: (Winter 1993) Pages: complete issue
S Goldsmith
Date Published
20 pages
In this journal, the findings of various studies on domestic assault and child abuse are commented on by prosecutors from around the country.
The focus of this journal is on studies conducted in recent years in the areas of domestic violence and child abuse. The findings of each study are reviewed and commented on by a prosecutor. Several of the studies look at the effectiveness of various intervention strategies in reducing recidivism in spouse abusers including system initiated arrest warrants for misdemeanor domestic assault, aggressive prosecution and spouse abuse abatement counseling. In the area of child abuse, the studies address the problems of prosecuting the case without further traumatizing the young victim. One study considered the use of televised testimony in child sexual abuse cases. Another study looks at the problem of jurors perceptions that child witnesses are less credible than older witnesses. These comments are intended to add to the prosecutor's understanding of spouse and child abuse and can help in the formulation of policy and the allocation of resources in the most effective ways.


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