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Florida Parole Commission 1996-1997 Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
28 pages
This 1996-97 Annual Report of the Florida Parole Commission describes the work of the various components of the Commission, along with statistics pertinent to the Commission's work.
The "Chairman's Message" reports that effective July 1, 1996, the Florida Legislature reduced the Commission from seven members to three. Commission staff was reduced 27 percent, eliminating 60 of the agency's 224 positions. The Commission's workload was not reduced, however, resulting in a dramatic increase in the workload of each employee. In an effort to prevent violation of statutory time frames while continuing to produce the quality work product expected at the Commission, a variety of changes in staffing patterns were implemented. Team projects, temporary assignments, reassignments, overtime, compensatory time, and OPS assistance were required to accomplish the routine. A study of the agency's workload formula was funded to determine its credibility. Following an extensive review of the agency's operation and the resulting work products, it was decided not to make any adjustments in the formula. The parole and conditional release voting docket caseload was 7,379, and the control release voting docket caseload was 746. There were 350 parole judicial notifications, 96 paroles granted, 82 paroles revoked, 4,088 conditional releases, 1,882 conditional releases revoked, and 1,121 control releases revoked. Also, there were 1,018 supervision reviews, 19 conditional medical releases, 3,181 warrants issued, and 577 clemency cases reviewed.