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Flexible Optical Inspection Device - Final Report

NCJ Number
R J Gibson; J A DeBenedictis
Date Published
37 pages
This technical report describes a fiber optic bomb inspection system consisting of a fiber optics imaging bundle, a TV camera to relay the image produced, a light source, a control box, and a TV monitor.
These components are interconnected to permit remote entry through a small (3/8' diameter) hole in the package to be inspected. After entry, the viewing tip of the fiber bundle can be safely rotated, bent, and focused to permit a large volume of the package to be inspected. The report briefly outlines an inspection procedure for testing the system and describes demonstration visits with members of the Philadelphia Bomb Disposal Squad, the U.S. Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility, Indianhead, Md. and members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The report recommends potential additions, including a steerable carriage, variable motor speed controls, and protective housing; information dissemination to all law enforcement agencies; the development of a lightweight, steerable cart to approach, listen to, and possibly move the bomb; and the development of additional system uses such as package inspections at airports, truck terminials, and post office facilities. Twelve figures are given. An appendix contains component specifications, a list of the leading manufacturers of fiber optics, 25 medical references, and 32 nonmedical references.