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Five-Year Research Update (1986-1990): Evaluations for Competence To Stand Trial

NCJ Number
Behavioral Sciences and the Law Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: (Summer 1992), 353-369
T Grisso
Date Published
18 pages
This review evaluates articles published between 1986 and 1990 that focused on new concepts or data related to competence to stand trial that were supported by research or case studies. The sequences of topics in the review follows the competence to stand trial assessment process.
Several of the articles examined systemic issues which can influence the delivery of competence to stand trial evaluation services. The two issues highlighted here included misuses of referral or incompetence findings and the organization of service delivery systems. Other categories of articles covered in this review included research on conceptual guidelines for competence to stand trial evaluations; methods for assessing competence to stand trial; the empirical correlates of clinicians' competence to stand trial judgments; and interpretive issues in evaluation. Issues related to special populations -- mentally retarded defendants, juvenile defendants, and defendants with AIDS-related dementia -- were discussed in many articles. Treatment to restore competence to stand trial became a widely researched topic during this time period. 61 references