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Fitting Into the Management Team

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 26 Issue: 11 Dated: (November 1982) Pages: 15-16,18,86
C E Evans
Date Published
9 pages
The security specialist must be accepted as part of the management team to be effective, and this involves establishing credibility as a business manager with security expertise.
The many activities required to establish security credibility can be divided into two broad categories: organizational authority and 'bottom line' results. Organizational authority is how the security function fits into a company, the scope of its responsibility, and the authority it exercises. 'Bottom line' considerations are those steps that develop financial accountability for the security department. Security must show it is worth the investment by proving it can return to the company more than it costs. Organizational authority is established as the top security executive in a company becomes accountable for security throughout the organization, as a wide variety of security services are established and publicized, and as the reporting structure places security under the supervision of the management level next to the top. Establishing the cost-benefit of security operations essentially involves a comparing of the losses and recoveries to the investigative costs. Also, a value for preventing future losses through successful investigations should be determined. A convenient method to show the true loss is to construct a financial loss summary for each investigation. Top management must finally be convinced of the security professional's acumen if he/she is to be accepted as part of the management team. This involves displaying competency, good judgment, a management style that fits the company's personality, communication skills, and a sensitivity to returns on investments. Nine bibliographic listings are provided.


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