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Fiscal Year Summary of Population Movement, 1990

NCJ Number
B Drown
Date Published
10 pages
This report provides summary information on the volume and movements of offenders under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections during fiscal year 1990 and is a compilation of data originally published in the monthly Statistical Bulletin C-59, "Report of Wisconsin Corrections Population."
The statistics cover the general areas of admissions to and separations from facilities for adult offenders, probation and parole services (active cases) and probation and parole services (absconder cases). On June 30, 1990, 6,717 offenders were confined in correctional facilities for adult offenders, an increase of 7.8 percent over the number on July 1, 1989. The average daily population of institutionalized offenders rose from 5,089 in fiscal year 1986 to 6,425 in fiscal year 1990. The number of community supervision cases under probation and parole increased 16.1 percent, from 28,388 at the beginning to 32, 964 at the end of fiscal year 1990. During fiscal year 1990, the number of community services cases on absconder status dropped from 4,414 to 4,004. 3 tables