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Fiscal Year 2003 Performance Report of the United States Postal Inspection Service

NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
This fiscal year 2003 report describes the efforts of the Postal Inspection Service to meet the operational and management goals set forth in its 5-year Strategic Plan.

The 5-year Strategic Plan reflects the long-term objectives of the Postal Inspection Service. Fiscal year 2003 was the third year of progress toward meeting the 5-year goals. Following a brief introduction and a description of the organizational structure of the Inspection Service in sections 1 and 2, the report reviews the Inspection Service goals in Section 3. Goals include three operational imperatives (safety, security, and integrity) supported by three operational goals and seven national operational objectives. Also reviewed are the seven management goals set forth in the Strategic Plan, which are designed to increase the ability to effectively achieve the operational objectives. Section 4 presents performance results for the three operational imperatives of safety, security, and integrity. The Inspection Service met, and in some instances exceeded its operational goals in fiscal year 2003 and launched the new Intelligence and Emergency Preparedness Groups. Specific goals examined in this section include the goal of ensuring a safe, secure, and drug-free work environment; reducing and deterring criminal attack of Postal Service products, services, and assets; and reducing the use of the postal system to defraud consumers, businesses, and government agencies and prevent its use to transport prohibited mailings and their proceeds. Specific objectives and their accompanying indicators, target goals, and actual results are presented. Section 5 reviews the Inspection Service’s performance toward meeting the seven management goals set forth in the Strategic Plan. In fiscal year 2003, the Inspection Service selected 12 specific Management Challenge objectives to work toward representing the areas of program management, information technology, intelligence, communications, human resources, and training. Each of the objectives is examined in terms of their indicators, target goals, and actual results achieved during fiscal year 2003. Most objectives were met and exhibited an overall positive effect on the operations of the Inspection Service. Section 6 describes the Inspection Service Data Base Information System (ISDBIS), which is an automated case management system used by the Inspection Service to document results of investigations. Section 7 describes fiscal year 2004 planning. Tables