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Firearms Statutes in the United States

NCJ Number
A Garner; M Clancy
Date Published
136 pages
This book discusses the origins and scope of Federal and State firearms laws and summarizes the State statutes for the layman.
An overview of governmental efforts to control firearms notes that such measures fall into four categories: licensing eligible citizens, registering firearms, defining the characteristics of legal firearms, and specifying illegal use and possession of firearms with mandatory prison sentences for gun crime offenders. The constitutional sources for Federal firearms regulatory authority are examined, and the history of these efforts is traced. Major issues in the debate over second amendment rights to keep and bear arms are reviewed, with attention to English antecedents, the founding fathers' intentions and Supreme Court decisions. Major Federal firearms statutes enacted since 1919 are described, including the War Revenue Act of 1968. Major loopholes in these statutes are identified, as well as appropriate provisions to close these gaps. A listing of State firearms laws outlines term definitions; owner, dealer, and purchase requirements; waiting periods; registration requirements; restrictions; mandatory minimum sentence for violations, special provisions for Saturday night specials; interstate enforcement and pre-emption clauses. General information on noteworthy local statues is reviewed. Footnotes accompany each chapter.