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Firearms Evidence Sourcebook

NCJ Number
J I Thornton; F G Rios
Date Published
20 pages
In the course of a firearm investigation, an examiner may consult multiple resources. The Firearms Evidence Sourcebook (FES) unifies these resources into one, user-friendly personal computer program.
FES operates in a Windows operating environment with a 286 or higher processor. The system allows random access to separate but interconnected data banks on firearm types (with pictures), rimfire headstamps, rifling characteristics, ballistics data, and trajectory information. It includes a table of contents, glossary of terms, and list of references. The Firearm Evidence Analysis Toolkit (FEAT) application allows the calculation of ballistic values such as muzzle velocity and recoil. Information can be added, modified, and deleted at the user's discretion. An on-line help menu is included. 11 floppy diskettes