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Firearms and Violence in Australia

NCJ Number
D Chappell; P Grabosky; P Wilson
Date Published
4 pages
While accurate statistics on the availability of firearms in Australia and their use in crime are lacking, available data indicate that there are at least 3.5 million guns of all types in the hands of private citizens, that over 25 percent of households are armed, that gunshot wounds are the most common cause of death among homicide victims, and that firearms are increasingly used in bank holdups and robberies.
Introduction of gun control measures in Canada in 1978 resulted in declines in the number of violent crimes committed with firearms and accidents and suicides involving firearms. These findings are generally supportive of adopting a national gun control strategy in Australia. Such a strategy should aim at reducing the number of weapons in society and preventing access to weapons by persons with a propensity toward crime, mental disability, or who are otherwise irresponsible. Specific provisions could include prohibitions on certain firearms and ammunitions, required registration of firearms, licensing of firearms, development of firearm security guidelines, increased penalties for violations, and public awareness campaigns. 3 tables, 1 figure, and 8 references.