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Firearm Violence and Public Health: Limiting the Availability of Guns

NCJ Number
Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia Volume: 84 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1995) Pages: 265-267
K P Adler; J A Barondess; J J Cohen
Date Published
3 pages
This article suggests measures that should be implemented at the Federal level to restrict the availability of firearms.
The authors note that studies show firearms are more likely to kill or injure a member of the owner's household than they are to successfully protect that household; further, they significantly increase the risk for a suicide in that household. A national firearms control program should be implemented to restrict firearm ownership through licensing that would limit firearm ownership to those who can justify a purpose for owning a gun. The current ban on the importation of certain military-style assault weapons should be expanded to domestic manufacture and sales. Further, there should be an increased tax on firearms and ammunition to discourage some sales and to provide funds for better firearms education, training, and control. Also, there should be a tightening of Federal licensing requirements for gun dealers and a limit on the number of guns an individual can buy. A well-publicized gun-return program with incentives for turning guns in to local police authorities should be implemented to reduce the number of guns now in circulation. The implementation of a firearm fatality and injury reporting system would provide vital information on fatal and nonfatal firearms shootings. Finally, the public should be educated about the dangers of guns and the need for national gun legislation. 15 references


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