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Firearm Registrations in Hawaii, 2005

NCJ Number
Paul Perrone
Date Published
June 2006
8 pages
This report presents information from county police departments on firearm registration activity in the State of Hawaii for 2005.
A total of 8,695 personal/private firearm permit applications were processed in Hawaii during calendar year 2005. This was a 27.1 percent increase from 2004. Of those processed, 95.9 percent were approved and resulted in issued permits, 2.8 percent were approved and then voided, and 1.3 percent was rejected. Over half or 53.8 percent of the total permits issued during 2005 were handgun permits, while 46.2 percent were permits to acquire rifles or shotguns. Hawaii’s 2005 rejection rate was 27.8 percent below the 1.8 percent figure reported for all State and local agencies conducting background checks for firearm permits and transfers in 2004. Approximately two-fifths of the rejections in 2005 were due to applicants’ prior criminal convictions, while just over one-fifth were due to pending criminal cases. The remaining two-fifths were not based on applicants’ criminal histories. In 2005, 235 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses, and none were rejected. Although a small number of prohibited firearms, such as machineguns and sawed-off shotguns are typically confiscated, none were reported for 2005. This report provides statistical and trend data on firearm registration activity in Hawaii for 2005 in the areas of permit applications (processed, issued, voided, and rejected), registrations and importations, permits and registration by firearm type, permit application rejections, confiscations, and licenses to carry. Figures, tables