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Fire in Kansas, 1980

NCJ Number
B E Benson
Date Published
24 pages
Data are provided on fire and arson in Kansas in 1980.
There were 1,313 arsons in Kansas in 1980. The number of arsons per month varied widely, from a low of 70 in February to a high of 144 in July. A total of 52.6 percent of all arson targets were structures. Single-occupancy residences comprised 42.8 percent of the structures burned in arsons. The greatest monetary loss, $1,950,064, was from arsons of single occupancy residences. There were 263 clearances of arson offenses in 1980. Clearances of structural arsons totaled 158, while there were 35 clearances of arsons of mobile property and 70 clearances of other arsons. There were 10,937 fires reported to the State Fire Marshal in 1980, an increase of 135.9 percent over the number reported in 1979. There were 370 injuries and 27 fatalities resulting from fires. Tabular and graphic data are provided.


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