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Findings From a National Survey of Shelters for Runaway and Homeless Youth

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
The National Association of Social Workers surveyed 360 agencies that provide basic shelter, crisis intervention, and transitional living services to runaway and homeless youths to develop practice relevant information and to identify innovative practices.
Survey findings showed that more than 60 percent of runaway or homeless youth in shelters and transitional living facilities nationwide were physically or sexually abused by parents, and 25 percent experienced violence by other family members. Many parents of these youth were substance abusers: 29 percent had problems with alcohol, and 24 percent were drug abusers. Shelter providers reported that 41 percent of their clients were from families with long-term economic problems. About one-third of the youths had no means of support. The seriousness of the problems of these youth suggests the need for long-term assistance to overcome their problems and to learn how to live independently. 5 tables