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Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
Task force findings and recommendations pertain to the Philadelphia police firearms and bomb attack on the residence of the urban cult known as MOVE on May 13, 1985, in which 11 occupants were killed and 2 square blocks of the neighborhood were destroyed by fire.
The task force conducted more than 900 indepth interviews of major participants in the incident, including policymakers, as well as witnesses, neighborhood residents, and members and supporters of MOVE. Records of 36 government agencies were analyzed along with audio and video records of the incident. The task force condemns the city's failure to negotiate constructively with MOVE members before and during the incident and to use reasonable force to gain MOVE compliance with city laws. Specifically, the task force finds that the bombing of the residence, the firing of at least 10,000 rounds of ammunition at the house, and failure to control the fire caused by the bomb constituted unjustified and willful use of excessive force, perhaps in violation of the law. Task force recommendations pertain to the operations of the city government and the police department, police and fire department coordination, local government response to crisis situations, laws and regulations, disciplinary action, and further investigation.