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Financing of Magistraes' Courts in England

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 124-134
I R Scott; D Booth
Date Published
11 pages
Although most of the English court system is centrally financed, the magistrates' courts, which dispose of well over 90 percent of all criminal cases in the country, are funded by a combined central-local mechanism.
Paying for these courts thus presents many of the accompanying strains familiar to court personnel in the United States. There are considerable differences as well; for one thing, the justices, in the main, receive no salary. In this note, Professor Scott and Mr. Booth examine these courts and their financing. The slow change occurring in a centuries-old institution provides an occasion to contrast American experience with efforts to modernize, yet retain the essence of, the English magistracy. (Author abstract)


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