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Financial Abuse: Judy Postmus and Jenn Glinski

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2020

In this first episode of the podcast “Coffee Chats with Researchers,” the hostess discusses with two researchers their efforts to understand, expand awareness of, and develop strategies to address financial abuse of women in the context of domestic abuse.


The researchers interviewed are Dr. Judy Postmus, Associate Dean at Rutgers University, and Jenn Glinskie, ABD at Glasgow University. The common focus of their interactive research methodology is the financial abuse of women in the context of domestic abuse. In financial abuse, the abuser may seek to control. exploit, or sabotage a woman’s ability to gain and exercise financial independence. Much of the research of Glinski and Postmus has focused on working with bank officials in Scotland, the United States, and Australia to make them aware of such financial abuse of women by their intimate partners and develop ways financial institutions can guide and aid such victims. Their work also includes working with organizations that provide services and support for victims of financial abuse in the context of broader domestic abuse. Such assistance might include the use of financial advisers to assist domestic abuse victims in preventing and countering existing or potential financial abuse by an intimate partner.