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Final Report of the Commission on Courts

NCJ Number
Date Published
18 pages
The Indiana Commission on Courts was charged with reviewing and reporting on all requests for new courts or changes in jurisdiction of existing courts, researching these requests, and holding public hearings throughout the State regarding such requests.
Each year, the Commission must submit a final report to the General Assembly that contains recommendations on all requests considered by the Commission during the preceding year, and, if the Commission concurs with the request, a draft of legislation implementing the changes, a fiscal analysis of the cost to the State of such changes, and summaries of any research or public hearings. Some factors precipitating a need for additional courts include increasing court filings due to associated population growth, a U.S. Supreme Court decision which requires an initial hearing for criminal cases within 48 hours of arrest, and additional hearings required due to recent State legislation requiring automatic suspension of driver's licenses in drunk driving cases. This report presents the Commission's recommendations vis-a-vis the creation of new courts, creation of magistrate positions, conversion of county courts to superior courts, equal access to justice statute, and change of venue. 2 appendixes