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Final Report, Campus Sexual Misconduct: Using Perpetrator Risk Assessment and Tailored Treatment to Individualize Sanctioning

NCJ Number
Robert Prentky, Ph.D.; Mary Koss, Ph.D
Date Published
192 pages

This is the Final Report of a project whose primary goal was to create an evidence-based treatment program for students found responsible for sexual misconduct, and in addition, collect, analyze, and report feedback related to the implementation of the treatment program, as well as provide recommendations for improving campus safety.


Phase I of the project collected information on best practices in juvenile and adult sex offender risk assessment, general treatment, student conduct, public health, and campus sexual assault. New data were collected with a survey of colleges about their adjudication procedures and current sanction options, as well as surveying college students. Phase Ii focused on the development and implementation of an evidence-based treatment program based on the information obtained in Phase I. Using the data collected and analyzed, program development followed the tenet that "the most effective interventions are those that provide the most intensive interventions to those with the greatest needs and fewest protective factors, are assessment driven, and match interventions to relevant criminogenic and responsivity needs, are based on the best available evidence, and are applied with fidelity to the treatment model." The evidence-based model developed and implemented in a pilot study is a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program titled the Science-based Treatment, Accountability, and Risk Reduction for Sexual Assault (STARRSA). After the pilot program period, participating sites that implemented STARRSA all stated they wish to continue and asked to receive final products. Since the inception of the pilot project up to the present, the project team continues to receive requests for materials and training, as well as how to extend the program. Extensive tables and figures, a reference list, and appended project materials

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Corporate Author
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press

440 Forsgate Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512, United States

United States of America