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Final Recommendations - Reforming the Florida Criminal Justice System

NCJ Number
Date Published
106 pages
The report presents findings and recommendations regarding criminal justice system reform in Florida, as developed by the Governor's Task Force on Criminal Justice System Reform.
Recommendations are based upon testimony heard by the task force from agency officials, crime victims, offenders, criminal justice personnel, special interest groups, and citizens. Criminal justice system reform should be based on six fundamental goals: increasing the certainty of apprehension and the assurance of equity within the system and of prosecution, as well as assuring adequate and fair punishment, an adequate response for juvenile offenders, and a more systemic criminal justice response. To further these goals, programs should encourage statewide uniformity in methods of criminal investigation and information collection. The State should assist local citizen crime prevention efforts, especially through adequate funding. The Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure should be amended to create a presumption in favor of pretrial release on a defendant's promise to appear on personal recognizance. The State should pursue an incremental assumption of circuit and county court costs, setting a 5-year goal for total assumption of all costs. Witness management services should be provided for all witnesses. Finally, Citizen Dispute Settlement Centers should be made available in every jurisdiction. Program information and community service guidelines are appended.