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Final Evaluation of the Professional Training Workshops Conducted by the Police Management Association

NCJ Number
Date Published
125 pages
This report encompasses activities as well as evaluation methodology and findings for a project by the Police Management Association (PMA) to conduct six police-management training seminars in 1985.
The project background information covers a description of the PMA, work scope (goal, objectives, and administrative process), key events (site selection, curricula, trainers, and participants), and the evaluation design. The evaluation design included the administration of questionnaires to participants in each of the six seminars as well as a followup survey of police chiefs of the jurisdictions which participated in four of the seminars. These four seminars were on improved police management. The other two seminars addressed differential police response. Evaluation findings are presented for each of the six seminars. The overall analysis indicates that the project was cost effective in training police middle managers in the topics covered. Recommendations are offered for conducting future similar seminars. Appendixes contain course syllabuses, participant lists for five seminars, the chiefs' survey instrument, and the certificate of completion awarded participants.