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Fidelity to the Intensive Supervision Probation With Services Model: An Examination of Adult Redeploy Illinois Programs

NCJ Number
Jessica Reichert; Caitlin Delong; Risa Sacomani; Sara Gonzales
Date Published
June 2016
52 pages
This report presents the findings and methodology of a process evaluation of Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI), which involves intensive supervision probation with services (ISP-S).
Research has shown that ISP-S program models have reduced recidivism by 17 percent. The intent of this evaluation is to determine whether the ARI has been implemented in a manner consistent with the model that has produced recidivism reductions. Nine key components of the evidence-based model were examined for ARI's implementation. Overall, the ISP-S programs examined in four Illinois counties maintained fidelity to most of the key components in some measure during their pilot phases. The programs performed best in being faithful to evidence-based dosage, decreasing probationer contact levels, and treatment and services. Improvement is most needed in securing fidelity to established goals, having small caseloads, and measurement feedback. This report offers recommendations for enhancing the ISP-S programs based on the evaluation findings related to the pilot phase. The recommendations focus on targeting high-risk clients, providing comprehensive services, using small caseloads, providing staff training in evidence-based practices, and using strategic drug testing. 4 tables, 3 figures, 82 references, and appended interview questions on program implementation