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Felony Prosecution and Sentencing in North Carolina, 1981-1982

NCJ Number
S Clarke
Date Published
146 pages
This manual briefly describes an assessment of the impact of a North Carolina determinant sentencing law (effective July 1, 1981) and presents study data forms and instructions as well as other materials related to study methodology and implementation.
Statewide data from 12 counties were collected on felony prosecution and sentencing from police departments, arrest reports, police investigation reports, and district and superior court files for 1979 and 1981. Variables include information from official court records on witness testimony and quality of evidence; and defendant social, demographic, and criminal history data. Data relate to the defendant's entry point in the system, charge and charge reduction information, arraignment status, and mode and type of disposition. Data forms and coding form instructions are provided, along with descriptions of primary sources of information. Variable definitions and codes are listed.