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Felons and Recidivists Committed and Confined, Fiscal Year 1980 - Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
183 pages
Data and relevant information are presented on felons and recidivists in the Virginia Department of Corrections for 1980.
A total of 3,664 felons were committed to the Virginia correctional system during fiscal year 1980. This reflects an increase of 932 or 34.1 percent over the 2,732 felons committed during the previous year. The 3,664 commitments were 50.2 percent nonwhite and 49.8 percent white. Females made up 6.5 percent of the commitments. The average age of the new commitments was 28 years, while the most frequently occurring age was 19. Of the new commitments, 55.1 percent were committed from city courts, 44.7 percent came from county courts and .2 percent were from out-of-State courts. A study of the types of offenses committed by new commitments shows that 1,186 or 32.4 percent committed offenses against persons and 1,770 or 48.3 percent committed offenses against property. More than half (63.1 percent) of the new commitments received sentences of 5 years or less. Narrative and tabular data are given on felons and felon recidivists committed to the correctional system and felons and felon recidivists confined to the correctional system. Most of the report is comprised of tables and graphs. An appendix presents an explanation of data sources. (Author summary modified)