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Federal Standards for Prisons and Jails

NCJ Number
Date Published
146 pages
Standards developed by the Department of Justice in response to the national concern over the quality and effectiveness of adult correctional facilities and jails are presented.
The standards are designed to help the department maintain consistency in Federal correctional programs and practices and to promote those practices that protect the basic constitutional rights of inmates. Beyond concern for minimal constitutional guarantees, however, are concerns that prisons and jails be operated in decent, humane, and safe manner. It is intended that the standards be used by the department in evaluating its own policies and programs for prisons and jails. In addition, they will be used in administering the department's financial or technical assistance in the area of corrections. Finally, the standards are intended to provide guidance to the litigating divisions of the Department of Justice when they are engaged in cases involving Federal, State, or local correctional systems. The department will not bring suits where correctional systems are in compliance with these standards or are engaged in good-faith efforts to comply with them within reasonable timetables. Areas for which standards have been developed include: inmate rights; the physical plant; sanitation, safety, and hygiene; food services; health care services; security and control; supervision of inmates; reception and orientation; classification; and inmate rules and discipline. Also addressed are special management inmates, mail and visiting, inmate money and property control, work programs, religious services, recreation and inmate activities, education and vocational training, library services, social services and counseling, release preparation and temporary release, and administration and management.