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Federal Offenders in the United States District Courts, 1966

NCJ Number
J A McCafferty; C W Saunders
Date Published
117 pages
This annual report summarizes and analyzes the criminal cases filed and disposed of in the United States district courts during fiscal year 1966.
Characteristics of criminal defendants disposed of in the 87 district courts and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia are presented. During 1966, there were 31,975 defendants whose cases were disposed of in the district courts, a decrease of 5.2 percent over the previous year. A total of 85 percent of these defendants were convicted. In 1966, there were 4,278 defendants tried, up 6.8 percent over 1965. Those tried by jury numbered 2,815. Thirty-five percent of those persons who were charged with sex offenses went to trial. Court trials were highest for violators of national defense laws, primarily the Selective Service Act. Thirty-seven percent of the criminal defendants were assigned counsel by the court. About 43 percent of the 27,314 defendants convicted in 1966 were placed on probation. (Author summary modified)