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Federal Justice Statistics Program, 1997 CD-ROM

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2000
0 pages
The Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) compiles comprehensive information on individuals and corporations processed through the Federal criminal justice system.
Goals of the FJSP are provide uniform case processing statistics across different stages of the Federal criminal justice system and to track individual defendants from one stage of the process to the next. Standard units of counts, based on a combination of defendant and case information, are used. Offense descriptions are standardized so that comparable offense categories are used to describe cases at each stage of the criminal justice process. Major stages of case processing include prosecution, pretrial release, adjudication, sentencing, appeals, and corrections. The FJSP database is compiled from annual data extracts from the ongoing case management files of federal criminal justice agencies. The CD-ROM disseminates FJSP data and documentation about the database so that users can conduct their own analyses of Federal criminal justice system data. The data are available in data files called Standard Analysis Files.