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Federal Criminal Sentencing Reform

NCJ Number
Journal of Legislation Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1984) Pages: 218-236
P W Rodino
Date Published
19 pages
H.R.4554 will reduce sentence disparity, improve the quality of justice, and ensure more effective use of prison space.
H.R. 4554 requires imposition of the least severe sentence that is consistent with public safety and the gravity of the crime. It controls prosecutorial discretion by coordinating plea bargaining and sentencing guidelines. It emphasizes selective incapacitation of violent and repeat offenders, while providing alternatives to prison for nonviolent offenders (e.g., community service, day fines). The bill also emphasizes restititution to victims, promotes reconciliation of offenders with their families and communities, and increases penalties for white-collar crime. Although the bill structures the sentencing system, it emphasizes adherence to due process through the use of detailed sentence hearings. H.R. 4554 will reduce sentence disparity, improve the quality of justice, and ensure more effective use of prison space. 194 notes.