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Federal Crime Insurance Program - Questions and Answers

NCJ Number
Date Published
9 pages
A question and answer format is used to provide information about the Federal Crime Insurance Program, through which homeowners, tenants, and business owners can obtain federally subsidized crime insurance in areas lacking available or affordable insurance through the voluntary market.
Federal Crime Insurance insures against financial losses from burglary and robbery. The program began in 1971 and now makes crime insurance available in 25 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. More than 85,000 policies are in force. Rates for policies are uniform within entire metropolitan areas, and policies are not cancelled because of losses. Federal Crime Insurance applications are available from any licensed property insurance agent or broker in an eligible jurisdiction. A toll-free number and central mailing address are also available through which to obtain information about the program. Household insurance protection may be purchased in amounts up to $10,000 per loss, while business insurance may be purchased in amounts up to $15,000 per loss. Deductibles apply to all claims. Protective devices are required on businesses, homes, and apartments covered by the insurance. Illustrations show examples of accessible openings and locking devices required for both residences and businesses.