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Federal and State Controlled Substances Acts (CSAs) (From Handbook of Drug Control in the United States, P 349-376, 1990, James A Inciardi, ed. -- See NCJ-126319)

NCJ Number
Date Published
28 pages
Federal and State drug laws cover the classification of controlled substances, penalty provisions, forfeiture provisions, special penalties for offenses involving minors, drug paraphernalia provisions, provisions on imitation substances, and provisions on education and treatment.
The Federal Controlled Substances Act classifies substances into five categories, based on such characteristics as potential for abuse, accepted medical use, and propensity to create a psychological or physiological dependency for users. The law defines two major categories of offenses: the possession of controlled substances and the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of, or the possession with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled substances. Many states have adopted classification schedules identical or similar to the Federal schedules. Tables and appended state-by-state summaries of laws.


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