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Fear of School-related Predatory Crime

NCJ Number
Sociology and Social Research Volume: 75 Issue: 3 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 117-125
F S Pearson; J Toby
Date Published
9 pages
Information from the School Crime Supplement (SCS), which was added to the National Crime Survey from January through June 1989, was used to gather information about youths' fear of crime at school or while going to and from school.
SCS was administered only to youths ages 12-19 who had attended school during the past 6 months. The questions gathered information on school-related victimizations, fear of victimization, school characteristics, and efforts to prevent victimization and misconduct in the school. Results showed that fear of being attacked at school was related to reports of street gangs at school and was inversely related to the student's age. In addition, fear of attack going to and from school was substantially related to the mode of transportation used. Going to school by car was associated with the least fear; going by bus was associated with only slightly more reports of fear. In central cities, those traveling by public transportation reported the greatest fear; outside central cities walking had the highest percentage of youths reporting fear. Results are generally consistent with concepts regarding the role of suitable targets, likely offenders, and the absence of capable guardians in the production of fear of crime. 8 references


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