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In Favor of the Polygraph

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 29 Issue: 11 Dated: (November 1985) Pages: 47-52
R D Paterson
Date Published
6 pages
This statement, in opposition to H.R. 1524 and H.R. 1924, two House bills prohibiting private industry use of polygraph examinations, discusses the role of such examinations in reducing drug abuse and diversion within the wholesale drug industry.
After enumerating the economic consequences of employee drug abuse, the author argues that polygraph examination, in conjunction with other methods, provides the best means for ensuring a drug-free work environment and reducing the diversion of controlled substances. At present, 80 percent of the members of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association use polygraphs in pre-employment screening and internal monitoring; the remaining members' circumstances preclude the need for such testing. Cases are presented which illustrate the benefits accruing from such tests. Instead of banning the use of this important investigative tool, it is urged that Congress enact measures such as H.R. 1792 that establish standards and protections for the administration of polygraph examinations. It is concluded that enactment of H.R. 1524 and H.R. 1924 would undermine the Government's aggressive campaign against drug addiction and abuse by facilitating the theft of narcotics and other controlled substances.