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Fatal Motor Vehicle Crash 2010

NCJ Number
Date Published
42 pages
This report from the New Jersey State Police presents information on fatal motor vehicle crashes in the State in 2010.
Highlights from the report include: in 2010, there were 530 fatal crashes in the New Jersey with 556 people killed, compared to 32,788 people killed in fatal crashes nationwide; of the fatalities, 30.6 percent had consumed alcohol, while 12.8 percent of the drivers in the fatal crashes were legally intoxicated; there were 69 fatal crashes involving 74 motorcycles, while pedalcyclists accounted for 13 fatal crashes; 141 pedestrians were killed in the fatal crashes; 44 of the crashes were hit-and-runs involving 79 vehicles; 84.2 percent of the crashes occurred during clear weather conditions; and 71.1 percent of the known drivers involved in the fatal motor vehicle crashes were males. This report from the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) presents information on fatal motor vehicle crashes that occurred in the State during 2010. The data was compiled by the NJSP Fatal Accident Investigation Unit. The data in the report is presented by month of occurrence for the crash, location, type of roadway, hours and day of occurrence, weather conditions at the time of the crash, age and sex of the drivers and the victims, driver and victim alcohol factor, manner of collision, what drivers and pedestrians were doing at the time of the accident, and contributing circumstances. Tables

Corporate Author
New Jersey Dept of Law and Public Safety

P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08625, United States

Sale Source
New Jersey Dept of Law and Public Safety

P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08625, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America