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Family Violence: An Overview

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
Family violence is discussed in terms of its nature, extent, causes, effects on victims, and prevention and intervention efforts taking place at the Federal, State, and local levels.
The text notes that spouse abuse includes physical abuse, sexual violence, and emotional abuse through such practices as economic domination and threats. Elder abuse and neglect includes physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, material abuse, violation of rights, passive neglect, and active neglect. Child abuse and neglect includes physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, mental injury. Other types of family violence include parent abuse and sibling abuse. Family violence contributes to many other individual, family, and societal problems as well as to physical injuries and deaths. The Federal government assists State prevention and treatment efforts through several agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice. However, the main responsibility for responding to cases of family violence rests with State and local agencies. Increased public education efforts and awareness of the problem will promote the early identification that increases the likelihood of successful intervention. Notes, 52 references, and suggested readings