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Family Violence: An Outline of Signs of an Abused Child or an Abused Adult

NCJ Number
Current Municipal Problems Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (1986) Pages: 234-245
Date Published
12 pages
This article outlines indicators of abuse and neglect for classes of persons at risk of such victimization: children, spouses, physically or mentally incapacitated adults, and the elderly.
For children (any person under age 18), the article defines physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, mental injury, and failure-to-thrive. The screening chart lists types of injuries due to physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. After defining a battered spouse, indicators of spouse abuse are listed as types of physical injury, emotional behavior, the physical conditions of neglect, and 'significant other' behavior. A physically or mentally incapacitated adult is defined, as are the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of such persons. The screening chart encompasses type of physical injury, emotional behavior, the physical conditions of neglect, and care-giver behavior. The article defines abuse, neglect, and exploitation for elderly persons (aged 65 or over). The screening chart covers type of physical injury, emotional behavior, the physical conditions of neglect, and care-giver behavior.

Corporate Author
Tulsa Community Service Council

1430 S Boulder Ave, Tulsa, OK 74119, United States

Publication Format
United States of America
Excerpts from the booklet, Family Violence.