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Family Violence: A Guide to Research

NCJ Number
A Harrell
Date Published
56 pages
Reference materials on family violence are presented.
This guide to the research on family violence is based on a selective review of the research literature. It identifies reports and findings related to the needs of the courts to understand domestic violence and plan appropriate responses. Brief narratives followed by a reference list are provided to the following topics: prevalence and severity of domestic violence; domestic violence; the social and cultural context of domestic violence; risk factors for domestic violence; domestic violence and abuse of alcohol or drugs; the trauma of domestic violence victims; the dynamics of domestic violence; children in violent homes; batterer treatment programs; mediation and domestic violence; court alternatives for domestic violence cases; and coordinated responses to domestic violence. Additional reference sources are provided for batterer treatment, the effects of domestic violence on children, domestic homicide, the justice system and domestic violence, prevention strategies, battered woman syndrome, protection orders, marital rape, substance abuse and domestic violence, and domestic violence victims and victim advocacy.


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