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Family Ties Take Top Priority in Women's Visiting Program

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 54 Issue: 6 Dated: (August 1992) Pages: 160-161
G Logan
Date Published
2 pages
The Women's Activities and Learning Center (WALC) program operated by the Kansas Department of Corrections at the Topeka Correctional Facility helps maintain the bond between inmate mothers and their children through the enhancement of parenting skills, family relationships, and self-esteem.
The program center consists of seven visiting rooms, two conference rooms, a recreation room, three offices, a kitchen, and a playground. The main objectives of the WALC program are to help female inmates reintegrate into their families and society and function effectively within those contexts. The program allows inmate mothers to take an active part in caring for their children while incarcerated. Specific program courses, taught by professionals from the community, include parenting, child development, prenatal care, self-esteem, anger management, nutrition, support groups, study groups, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, personal development, and crafts. After successfully completing a 10-week course, the inmates are eligible to join their children for a 3-day retreat outside the facility. The women who participate must be in minimum custody and have not had any disciplinary reports during the 90 days prior to the retreat.