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Fall 1997 Projections: Presentations

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
This report presents actual data for California's institutional and parole populations for January through July 1997, compares this with the population projections for this period, and then presents projections for the institutional and parole populations for the fall of 1997.
The actual data show the institutional population for each month from January through July 1997, along with the average weekly change for each month. The institutional population as of July 20, 1997 was 152,356. The report then compares the spring 1997 projections with the actual institutional population as of June 30, 1997. The actual (152,506) was 2,824 inmates more than the projection (149,682). Suggested reasons for the underestimation are an overestimation of prison releases and an underestimation of PV-RTC returns to prison. A graph shows the actual institutional population from July 1992 through June 1997. Felon admissions are shown for July 1993 through June 1997 by quarter. Data are also shown for the parole population for each month from January through July 1997, with the average weekly change shown for each month. Spring projections for the parole population are compared with the actual parole population. Fall 1997 projections are then presented for both the institutional and parole populations, with assumptions outlined for major and minor changes underlying the projections. Separate projections are provided for the felon "second-strike" and "third-strike" populations. Projections are also presented by gender. Extensive tabular and graphic data