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Factors Associated With Willingness to Enter Drug Treatment: Some Implications for Policy

NCJ Number
AIDS and Public Policy Journal Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Dated: (Summer 1990) Pages: 112-116
J Kleyn; E S Lake
Date Published
5 pages
A sample of 78 out-of-treatment intravenous drug users living in Seattle was selected using a modified chain referral technique and used in a study to examine factors related to willingness to enter drug treatment programs.
Respondents' risk for HIV transmission was assessed through a description of their injection practices and any AIDS-related behavior changes they had adopted recently. The demographic and socioeconomic characteristics analyzed in the study included sex, race, age, marital status, number of children, level of education, and employment. The 55 percent of the respondents who expressed willingness to enter drug treatment programs indicated that their attitude was related to behavioral risk for HIV transmission. However, there was no relationship between AIDS-related behavior modification and willingness to enter drug treatment. The findings suggest that expanded drug treatment will reach an important at-risk population and that AIDS education must be an integral part of any drug treatment program. 4 tables and 29 notes