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Factors Affecting Juvenile Court Decisions in Israel - A Multivariate Approach

NCJ Number
Sociological Inquiry Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Dated: (Fall 1982) Pages: 291-305
G Fishman; V Kraus; H Lever
Date Published
15 pages
This investigation of factors influencing the disposition of cases in Israeli juvenile courts finds that while the offense and the prior criminal record are important factors, their influence on the disposition of cases is greatly bound by the offender's age and the probation officer's recommendations.
The analysis considered the offender's prior record, the nature of the offense, the probation officer's recommendation, and the offender's age. These four factors are essential components of the juvenile justice system and are perceived to be crucial for the understanding of the court's decision. A multivariate analysis of the data was undertaken using the method of log-linear analysis for hierarchical models. Tables, endnotes, and 15 references are included. (Author abstract modified)