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Fact or Fiction? Gender Issues Related to Newspaper Reports of Intimate Partner Homicide

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 16 Issue: 8 Dated: August 2010 Pages: 934-952
Jessica A. Wozniak; Kathy A. McCloskey
Date Published
August 2010
19 pages
This study examined gender issues related to the portrayal of intimate partner homicide by the media.
The present study compared newspaper articles reporting female-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV) homicides with those reporting male-perpetrated IPV homicides. Domestic violence was not mentioned in 72 percent of the articles. Female-perpetrated IPV homicide, although relatively rare, was not portrayed as more newsworthy nor did it receive more coverage when compared to male-perpetrated IPV homicide. When analyzing explanations for homicides given in newspaper reports, as well as descriptors used to describe the perpetrator, there was no support found for gender bias in favor of male perpetrators. Female victims were more likely to be portrayed as innocent when compared to males. Tables and references (Published Abstract)