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Expression of Emotions in Simulated Rape interviews

NCJ Number
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychological Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: (1995) Pages: 64-67
A Vrij; A Fischer
Date Published
4 pages
A sample of 52 Dutch and 23 Surinam women were exposed to a written rape case and asked to imagine that they were the victim in the case and to describe their possible reaction.
The focus of the study was on the emotions and nonverbal behaviors displayed by the women, as well as their attribution for the event. The results showed that the Surinam subjects expressed more feelings of regret, while the Dutch women expressed more feelings of hatred. Ninety percent of the Dutch subjects regarded the man responsible for the event, while nearly 40 percent of the Surinam women felt that the woman victim was also responsible. Results also showed intergroup differences in nonverbal behaviors, with the Surinam subjects exhibiting more gaze aversion. 1 table and 21 references


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